Table of Contents

The experience of musicians from Musacell
Keyvan Malek's experience from Musemasel
The experience of Selimi's caravan from Miuzmasel

News on national television

The news of the publication of the video training series Musemasel from the Khanyagar site

Grossman method issues

In answer to these tricky questions, he started to learn anatomy with Dr. Rabiei, Assistant Professor at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. During the course, he learned that every motion in our body is based on a number of motor units that transmit the electrical signals to the muscles. The more adequate and profound these signals, the more natural the body movements, which are according to the right kinesthetic sense. Regarding his athletic background, he started to compare instrumentalists with athletes and he found out despite all the similarities, what musicians do is much more difficult due to two reasons. First, instrumentalists use really small muscles in performance, and training those and working with them are way more delicate than big ones. Second, music performance requires full-body coordination for a top-level result. Ultimately, he came to this conclusion that “Musicians are Athletes of Small Muscles”. After thorough investigation into professional athletes he found that besides their principal sport, they also do fundamental exercises such as cardio, stretching, isometrics, bodybuilding, etc. to maximize their career efficiency. They, for instance, go swimming, sleep early, have regular full-body massage, consult nutrition experts, use meditative techniques to set their minds at rest, and never start physical activities abruptly without warming up enough and cooling down gradually. Musicians, on the other hand, do none of the above and if they do so, their fundamental exercises are elementary, incomplete, and not optimally individual-specific.

Last Event

2023 NEWS
2022 News
Online Workshop by Aria Torkman at Dosol Institute
Exclusive National TV Interview with Mohammad Mehdi Babaei
2021 News
Online Workshop by Aria Torkman at Ritmitika Institute in Canada
Hamed Erfani Hosts: Online Series of Global Interviews and Webinars on MuseMuscle
The Participation in the Varna Festival

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2022 NEWS
Online Workshop by Aria Torkman at Dosol Institute
Exclusive National TV Interview with Mohammad Mehdi Babaei

2021 NEWS
Online Workshop by Aria Torkman at Ritmitika Institute in Canada
Hamed Erfani Hosts: Online Series of Global Interviews and Webinars on MuseMuscle
The Participation in the Varna Festival